Stefano Della Fiore

I am currently a researcher in the group of Multimedia Signal Processing in the Information Engineering department at the University of Brescia. Before I was a postdoctoral researcher in Information Theory and Combinatorics in the Computer Science department at the University of Salerno. Previously I was a PhD student in Information Engineering at the University of Brescia, under the guidance of Prof. Marco Dalai. My curriculum vitae is available here. See also my google scholar page for a list of my publications.

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Contact Details

Office: 51 (see map), Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Brescia
Address: Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Phone: +39 0303715934

Research Interests

Zero-error capacity
Asymptotic growth of code rates
Combinatorial number theory
Algebraic and probabilistic methods in combinatorics
Applications of combinatorics to computer science
Multimedia data compression using deep learning techniques


Publications and accepted manuscripts

All papers are available on my arXiv page.
  1. An Efficient Algorithm for Group Testing with Runlength Constraints
    M. Dalai, S. Della Fiore, A. A. Rescigno, U. Vaccaro, Discrete Applied Mathematics 360 (2025), 181-187.
    Journal arXiv

  2. LiDAR Depth Map Guided Image Compression Model
    A. Gnutti, S. Della Fiore, M. Savardi, Y. Chen, R. Leonardi, W. Peng, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (2024), 1890-1896.
    Proceedings arXiv

  3. Upper bounds on the rate of linear q-ary k-hash codes
    S. Della Fiore, M. Dalai, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2024), 2610-2615.
    Proceedings arXiv

  4. Alternating Parity Weak Sequencing
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, Journal of Combinatorial Designs (2024), 308-327.
    Journal arXiv

  5. Higher degree Erdős distinct evaluations problem
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, A. Ferraguti, European Conference on Combinatorics (2023), 314-319.

  6. Bounds and Algorithms for Frameproof Codes and Related Combinatorial Structures
    M. Dalai, S. Della Fiore, A. A. Rescigno, U. Vaccaro, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (2023), 544-549.
    Proceedings arXiv

  7. Bounds on the Higher Degree Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv Constants over Fq^n
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, Archiv der Mathematik (2023), 17-29.
    Journal arXiv

  8. Existence of λ-fold non-zero sum Heffter arrays through local considerations
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 87 (2023), 301-339.
    Journal arXiv

  9. Weak Sequenceability in Cyclic Groups
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 30 (2022), 735-751.
    Journal arXiv

  10. Achievable Rates and Algorithms for Group Testing with Runlength Constraints
    S. Della Fiore, M. Dalai, U. Vaccaro, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (2022), 576-581.
    Proceedings arXiv

  11. On Sequences in Cyclic Groups with Distinct Partial Sums
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, M. A. Ollis, S. Z. Rovner-Frydman, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 3 (2022), P3.33.
    Journal arXiv tables code

  12. The maximum cardinality of trifferent codes with lengths 5 and 6
    S. Della Fiore, A. Gnutti, S. Polak, Examples and Counterexamples 2 (2022), 100051.
    Journal arXiv additional material

  13. Non-zero sum Heffter arrays and their applications
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, A. Pasotti, Discrete Mathematics 345 (2022), 112952.
    Journal arXiv additional material

  14. Variations on the Erdős distinct-sums problem
    S. Costa, M. Dalai, S. Della Fiore, Discrete Applied Mathematics 325 (2022), 172-185.
    Journal arXiv

  15. A note on 2-separable codes and B2 codes
    S. Della Fiore, M. Dalai, Discrete Mathematics 345 (2022), 112751.
    Journal arXiv

  16. Improved Bounds for (b,k)-hashing
    S. Della Fiore, S. Costa, M. Dalai, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (2022), 4983-4997.
    Journal arXiv additional material

  17. New upper bounds for (b,k)-hashing
    S. Della Fiore, S. Costa, M. Dalai, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2021), 256-261.
    Proceedings arXiv


  1. Some bounds on the rate of linear q-ary k-hash codes
    S. Della Fiore, M. Dalai, in preparation.

  2. Weak Freiman isomorphisms and sequencings of small sets
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, submitted.

  3. Variants of the Erdős distinct sums problem and variance method
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, A. Ferraguti, submitted.

  4. Sequencings in Semidirect Products via the Polynomial Method
    S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, M. A. Ollis, submitted.


PhD/M.Sc./B.Sc. Theses

Last updated: December 8, 2024.